Charlene “Charlie” Fisk Produced/Directed her first feature film The Founders (2017) which won Best Documentary and the Audience Award Feature at it’s premiere in Atlanta. She was Co-Producer/Editor on Margaret Mitchell: American Rebel for American Master’s on PBS and Man Made (2018), the feature documentary about transgender bodybuilders. Her narrative debut as Writer/Director, Limerence (2019), won Best Short at RIFF. Her second short Rideshare premiered at Atlanta Film Festival and her third short film, The Lick, is beginning a festival run. Her feature film script is currently in the Southern Producers Lab. Her IMDB credits include cinematography for FX, PBS, ESPN, TLC, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, Food Network and OWN.
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Audience Award Best Short
Rome International Film Festival
Audience Award Best Film
The Founders
Atlanta Film Festival
Best Documentary
The Founders
La Costa Film Festival
Emmy (Southeast) “Margaret Mitchell - American Rebel”
Program Editor
Emmy (Southeast) “Margaret Mitchell - American Rebel”
Documentary Program
Emmy (Southeast)- “Road Beyond Abuse”
Program Editor
Emmy (Southwest)- “Art From the Heart”
Program Editor/Videographer
Emmy (Southeast)- “Jim Henson”
Program Editor
Emmy (Southeast) - Craft Editor
CLIO Award Advertising:
ESPN 2018
Telly Awards:
Bronze- PBS
Segment Producer/Editor
Bronze- PBS - Show Editor
Bronze - PBS - Show Editor
Silver- PBS - Show Editor